What is Google Gemini? A Game Changer for SEO?

Google Gemini

Google has once again asserted its rule in the technological domains, particularly on artificial intelligence. 

On December 6, 2023, the tech giant launched its newest addition to its AI-focused digital blueprint–Google Gemini. The company even dubbed it their ‘largest and most capable AI model’.

Google Gemini is a model that possesses a versatile AI system that combines language processing and other modalities. 

It can impact different industries, such as recommendation systems, chatbots ‘and search algorithms. It is also believed that it could wrestle against other AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

With its capacity to simultaneously handle several types of jobs and data, one cannot underestimate the gemini capabilities. 

But as thrilling as this AI can be, it could stir up mixed emotions in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) field. 

Consider this: Google’s efforts to upgrade its search engines could cause up to a whopping 64% drop in organic website traffic. How, why, and what can we do? 

Sounds alarming, but will it all be detrimental to your SEO game? Can we still get a silver lining out of these changes? 

Stay with us as we course through Google Gemini and its impact on the future of SEO. 

What is Google Gemini?

Google Gemini is a large language model (LLM) that is designed to be Google’s flagship AI. It is intended to power many Google products and services.

From the ground up, it was built to be multimodal, which means it’s trained to process, understand, and combine different content like text, code, audio, image and video. So far, Gemini is also Google’s most flexible AI model; it can run on everything–from data centres to mobile devices. 

The model’s first version is available in three sizes, each with different uses for varying tasks: 

  • Gemini Ultra – for highly complicated tasks
  • Gemini Pro – for gauging across a wide range of tasks
  • Gemini Nano – for on-device tasks

How Powerful Is Google Gemini?

Say, for example, you have a copy of your written Mathematics exam, and you’d like to explore why your answer was incorrect in a specific number. Google Gemini can analyse your exam and generate reasonings and explanations for all the items written!

Just upload a photo of your handwritten worksheet, and Gemini can understand right or wrong and explain concepts needing more clarification. 

If you want to learn more about items you’ve answered incorrectly, you can ask Gemini to give you practice problems, too. 

Moreover, Gemini can also dive into hundreds and thousands of documents on the web and extract relevant insights for your scientific research. It can read, filter, and understand information in several fields, from science to finance. 

Google shows off revolutionary work through Google Gemini and is still working to boost its capabilities even more for future versions. The company plans to advance the model’s planning and memory to give better responses to users. 

Now that you’ve seen what Google Gemini is and its capabilities, let’s explore and circle back to its effect on SEO and website traffic. 

Why Will Website Traffic Decrease?

Apart from AI model innovations, Google is continuously reimagining the power of search engines as well. They recently kicked off a generative AI search feature called Search Generative Experience (SGE).

(Search Engine Land)

As you can see, this feature brings the answer and related essential information to the top of the search results. The websites beside it corroborate the response that the generative AI is giving. If the searchers have any further queries, they can ask follow-up questions about the topic they are looking up. 

The thing is, with answers and all essential points being shown right off the bat, it is pretty likely that these searchers will not bother to click on your website anymore. After all, they already have what they need right before them. 

Google SGE and E-Commerce Websites

For example, here’s how commercial queries using Google SGE could affect your product or e-commerce websites. 

SGE E Commerce Websites
(Search Engine Land)

Let’s say you are looking for a commuter bike. Google gives you an idea of the attributes you should be looking for when buying. It also provides links to websites that support your claims. 

On top of that, it also hands you product listings of the recommended bikes you should check out. You can also view up-to-date reviews, ratings, prices, descriptions and images.

If you are an e-commerce website reliant on informational content, users are likelier to shorten their search journey. 

They won’t spend the extra time entering informational search queries like ordinary bikes vs. e-bikes or what the pros and cons of a hybrid bike are.

Where is Google Gemini In All Of This?

So, what is the role of Google Gemini in traffic decrease?

Currently, the AI model Google uses in its SGE tool is PaLM2. It is like the engine that powers SGE, similar to how GPT-4 runs ChatGPT. 

Google boasts PaLM2 as a state-of-the-art creation that can process advanced reasoning tasks like translation, multilingual proficiency, code, math, and more. 

But Google is eager to show everyone how it lays down the law in the artificial intelligence stage by whipping up something more revolutionary. Hence, the birth of Google Gemini. 

The Google Gemini AI has never-before-seen reasoning and problem-solving capabilities and is undoubtedly better than all the other AI models. In fact, Google has claimed that Gemini’s computational power is five times greater than GPT-4!

Is Google Gemini better than ChatGPT?

But, let’s set the record straight. Is Google Gemini really better than ChatGPT? Well, experts base it on AI system parameters. These parameters are variables whose values are tuned in the training phase where the AI transfigures input data into output. The more parameters, the more advanced the AI is. 

ChatGPT, which has 1.75 trillion parameters, is the most sophisticated AI, but with Gemini’s arrival, reports say it will have 30 to 65 trillion parameters!

Imagine if Google Gemini runs the SGE tool

Google Gemini

Google Gemini’s strengths are problem-solving and reasoning. It does a better job of foreseeing users’ needs and wants. 

In addition, it understands the search path the user is heading to and curates even more compelling results that instantly provide answers. These characteristics could offer an advanced search experience for people on the web. 

Earlier, we have already established how SGE can cause website traffic to decrease. 

So think about this

If we intensify the power of SGE through Google Gemini, then it is only logical to think that there may also be a strengthened decline in website traffic, right? 

This may be something businesses relying on organic traffic should watch out for. That’s if Google really does use Gemini in search engines.

On the Bright Side

While it may look terrifying now, there’s still some comforting prospect for our folks in SEO. 

SGE results feature website links

Remember, the SGE results have website links beside them. It would be extremely beneficial to have your website content featured there as it can be an excellent traffic source.

An opportunity to create better content 

The change brought by Google Gemini and SGE could possibly alter your SEO approach. The rank of the links from the SGE results could be something that SEO players can vie for. But in achieving that, your website needs to be well-optimised and should contain compelling content. 

Business transactions are still done on websites, aren’t they? 

Availing of services or products will still be done on websites, resulting in site visits. Businesses could boost their strategy by focusing on ranking on commercial intent queries. 

The Gemini Game Plan

Living in the digital age, technological developments are no longer a surprise at all. Present-day innovations could affect how marketing functions in the future. Changes in different marketing aspects like marketing automation, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and more can happen at any time. 

With Google introducing Gemini, it can pose a significant adjustment to how SEO works. 

To quickly attune to the changes brought by Gemini, here are some points you should consider adding to your plan of action. 

1. Optimise web pages

The goal is to get your content to rank higher in SGE results. It will involve zeroing in on creating high-quality and audience-centric content, better link-building, and enhanced user engagement. 

Here are some tips:

  • Improve your blog’s structure. Use subheaders, bullets or numbered lists. Having some whitespaces is essential as well. 
  • The language you use. Use a language that resonates with readers, preferably with a more natural and conversational tone. 
  • High-quality photos and videos. Visual content can help you rank in organic results and SGE, so it may be helpful to invest in high-definition ones.

2. Create a profitable ad campaign

If you are a business relying on organic traffic, a good Ad campaign is a great backup plan.

3. Spend time learning about SGE

Take some time to learn about the developments. Immerse yourself and read about SGE so you would understand how to strategise for better search rankings. 


Digital Marketing Agency Singapore

This is how the dynamic world of marketing works. There is a continuous need to adapt to changes so that you’ll stay on top of the field.  

With Google Gemini and SGE, who knows what changes are still there in the years to come?

Google Gemini could introduce us to a new breed of SEO practices, and we understand how keeping your website in check could be a challenge. Skilled marketing professionals from a trusted digital marketing agency could help you build your SEO game plan according to the changes happening in the industry. 

As an SEO agency in Singapore, the iFoundries team can provide you with SEO solutions aligned with your business goals. With more than 16 years of digital marketing experience, we have helped clients increase authority, market awareness, and revenue using SEO. 

Level up your SEO strategy, and let’s talk about how we can create a game plan to sustain you on the battlefield.

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