Important Metrics To Look Into When Optimising Your Brand Awareness Facebook Ads

The success of Facebook as a business advertising platform is due to its unrivaled targeting potential and aptitude.

No other paid advertising platform or channel allows you to advertise and target your marketing messages to specific demographics. According to its website, Facebook has over 2 billion active users.

Trust us when we say Facebook Ads are going to drive more leads for your business this year than any other paid channel. However, you’ll need the right strategies and expert managing.

Many marketers in various businesses have found measuring the effectiveness of their Facebook ad campaigns difficult. It might get really complex when there are multiple number of channels incorporated in a campaign.

In this post, we discuss the purpose of deploying brand awareness Facebook campaigns and the effectiveness of them in our marketing campaigns. There are even different metrics and benchmarks that govern your campaign performance that all advertising businesses should take note of.

Stop Choosing The Wrong Advertising Campaign Objectives

Marketing objectives are set to realise an ultimate goal of your campaign. In a short simple question, what do you want people to do when they see your ads? Each marketing objective follows a set of options and settings to steer your campaign towards realising your goal. We emphasize on professional, smart selections to prevent your campaign from being led totally astray.

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 A Facebook campaign objective is the starting point of the Facebook campaign structure. Each Facebook campaign should have a single objective and here is where a lot of Facebook advertisers get confused.

It is hence highly necessary to define what is your marketing goal in order to realise its objectives. There are many types of Facebook ads that serves different campaign purposes. One mistake that a lot of businesses make when developing their Facebook ads campaign is using the same strategy as a PPC ad. Both types of ad target different prospects in different stages of the sales funnel. Hence, if you get you get your focus wrong, it’s obvious you won’t be getting the results you’re aiming for.

Due to the nature of Facebook as an advertising platform, most consumers are not necessarily at the end stage of the sales funnel where they are immediately looking and ready to purchase anything. Hence, most the time your Facebook campaign should be targeted to build awareness and worry about the conversions only in the next phase.

Choosing the right objective from the start is crucial, as it will later affect your ad delivery and bidding options. If you want to avoid the confusion and messy campaigns, you have to keep this in mind.

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Brand Awareness Facebook Ads

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Brand awareness campaigns help you capture the attention and engage your audience. They are exposed to people who are likely interested in your advertisements. This campaign is highly recommended for businesses seeking more exposure for a certain product or brand awareness campaign. Sales conversions are not the marketing objective here, but making the brand or product known to a wide targeted audience through exposing content that will remain top of mind.

One of the main goals of Brand awareness marketing objective is to target your ad to audiences who show a high propensity to “recall” your ad. Ad recalls measures an ad’s effectiveness if targeted audiences who are exposed to it “remembers” it. Ad recall measures an ad’s effectiveness of being remembered by those exposed to it.

Typically measured as a percentage, ad recall is usually determined by polling a sample group of individuals. For every member of the sample group that can recollect your ad without prompt, the higher your ad’s recall is.

According to Facebook, after analyzing “hundreds” of campaigns, they unsurprisingly have determined that the longer someone spends looking at an ad the more likely they are to recall an ad. With this definition in mind, when an audience is selected for a Brand Awareness campaign, Facebook is going to serve ads to those who have a history of spending a lengthy amount of time looking at ads.

It is important to acknowledge that just because an individual has a high propensity to spend a lot of time looking at ads, it does not mean that individual has a high propensity to take action or engage with an ad.

The chief benefit of the Brand Awareness Marketing Objective is that you will get high quality impressions.

-Lifeengine, 2018

Facebook’s data shows that Brand Awareness ads are 60 percent more effective at driving Ad Recall than the current Page Post Engagement solution.
-Likeable, 2017

What Are The Important Metrics Do You Look Into To Optimise Your Content Awareness Facebook Ads?

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Metrics such as reach and frequency, measure how many people your campaign reached and how many times they saw your ads. There are a few important metrics for your brand campaign. There are also video- based metrics if you used video marketing in your Facebook ad campaigns.

1. Impressions

Impressions mean the total number of times your ad was shown, obviously the higher the impressions the better.

2. Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM)

CPM is the average cost to show your ad 1,000 times. It is important to keep track of the cost to adjust your budget appropriately as the campaign progresses.

3. Frequency

Frequency is measured by the average number of times each individual has seen your ad. This is the metric that allows marketing insight to plan how the content messages reaches the right audiences at the right time.

4. Amount Spent

The amount you’ve spent running your ad within a period of time is of high concern, especially during reports. You want to be able to justify the use of every cent and cost.

5. Click-through Rate (CTR) Links

Like website CTR, this could be considered a conversion according to the marketing objective you’re planning for. It measures the percent of people who saw your ad and clicked over to your sales page.

6. Link Clicks

Again, following your marketing objective this is an important and interesting measure to see how many people who clicked on your ad and were directed to your sales page. This metrics allows us to study if the placement or relevance of content is done effectively, reaching and resonating with our desired audience enough to take an action.

7. CPC (Link)

Similarly, the average cost of each click from your ad over to your website needs to be calculated to make smart budget allocations.

8. Leads

Often considered the most important metric during marketing analysis sessions, the number of leads often is the deciding factor if the overall campaign’s direction is successful or needs immediate rectification. It is the measure of the number of people who opted in for more of your content after clicking on your ad and decidedly visited your content site (eg. blogpost). In a landing page, set up a conversion tracking pixel, your number of “registrations” are then your leads.

9. Cost per Lead

How much are you spending to get the number of leads at the end of the campaign? Does it justify your budget and sales earnings? How much each sign-up has cost you so far? These are the questions to ask when you are measuring the cost per lead.

How can I evaluate the performance of an advert?

Estimated advert recall lift (people) is a helpful way to understand the performance of your advert. Here are some ways in which you can use estimated advert recall lift (people) to take action on your campaigns:

  • Track performance in real time and adjust your campaigns accordingly.
  • Compare the effectiveness of different audiences, messages and creative.
  • Consider shifting your budget to adverts with a higher estimated advert recall lift (people).
  • Start to establish benchmarks for future Brand Awareness campaign results.
  • Monitor the estimated advert recall lift (people) over time to understand the long-term impact.
  • Use the estimated advert recall lift (people) to supplement brand polling studies.

-Facebook Business


It’s 2018, and Facebook ads are here to stay. There are currently considered one of the most prominent and powerful lead generation platforms for businesses of all industries, big or small.

Among all the noise, it is indeed tough and confusing when analysing and determining the success of your ad campaigns. You might be doing it all wrong from the start,  or might not be using the right metrics to report and improve your campaigns, hence finding your Facebook marketing efforts ineffectual.

Our clients are facing these issues, and we’re here to shed some light on it. For a very long time and too often, industries have depended on metrics that are inadequate and inaccurate. Most marketers take the easy route to measure metrics that comfort their egos and efforts, don’t fall into that same line.

If you want to generate more leads on Facebook, strategise and develop a solid brand awareness Facebook ad campaign. You’d first need to do the necessary homework building your buyers personas through concrete market research. Then only you’d be able to target places on Facebook that your prospects frequent most successfully

If you need help with your Facebook marketing campaigns, contact us today.

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