Businesses Are Better Off Having Their Own E-commerce Than Selling On Online Marketplaces

There has never been a better time to sell online.

Since the world shifted online by the Corona Virus pandemic, online shopping has exploded and many small businesses have turned to online marketplaces and platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, Zalora, etc. to keep pace with increased competition and changing consumer preferences.

However, thousands of companies both large and small are finding some discrepancies while selling on them. To increase profits, these online marketplaces at times raise subscription fees, they revise algorithms pressuring sellers to focus on price.

Sellers are also forced to advertise in order to maintain visibility in the throngs of competitions selling very similar products.

On these platforms, sellers are made to comply with guidelines that do not allow them to serve customers personally and in their own preferred ways. Selling via a marketplace builds the marketplace’s brand and business – not the brand or business of the owner.

SEA’s online marketplace

#TypeNameRegion/CountryProduct CategorySE Asia Visits/month
1blVcEen WIsRh Kq bWaB4 qt8Nmlln63myBxzFsDsfvY1t57Oqtuu2lRFxeWSnlgTF3CwqczWnm5 TNcp0jcrb2w8sLNK1QLGb8Tw0injFI3kqW G3HkuSO3ZoqMUSfvidZk8AjShopeeSoutheast AsiaGeneral197.8M
2JKu892CMWDjmw5R6bPgjUuVmhJFXzQT RG0TM89TB5t9SCSVdsDyJ4bXzrzXP EvORSwwdo9V7L5nd9B0Hwstjpc0PrjFN6wKDvTnwLLF4gZAhhFPUrzHjoAdSxCPAtvPK82MhUp2 zlskVSlKMLDzF9Aho4vJFK EpWPq1d4bcklnOLzGJ bKkYP9Z1pya5gKNWxGJIO5W7Wc81GdS6dWgZzWJ sYnwHsCDbL1 h1pnpfxv ZO82ycLazadaSoutheast AsiaGeneral161.7M
3ulbFBm cawSnZoiLYVh4htiLZLYkz3l uNa8rsKpVMPEV 0 2C7FwsJonpS9NrdHO3wpM5xMaW1ur0nqIHweHflLX UWzwnLLduoWuAuChXBckeGIXI4TTiEauH0bsLtFYjgqtJlTokopediaIndonesiaGeneral72.4M
4YInl4 rYt ZnwEuC7DC4cMJihlLqFmw58q078mw57npOM89Rot1m57Geed7k9hZjg5VwpRiGQDutW3mTrVjban2gKEkpPO08Fz9 fGn5ea oAYyXy53C9nNtu8AmfpaIM2HKdF9BukalapakIndonesiaGeneral26.8M
54AlAFT1iPwyE0EosJGuV0oHyRU3ZC7flJnYeOam nz4F YLQlE8ef9JMVSmm9gAs5hh9c45zFpOGSuXm81IxUQMF5hGv2sYztFDNYp8sDEaRO9nDJA5veMP4A3J0AEe4wxq iYXdZLCcm242guNYgw gVd8WYuj38au0d2gLeDksVvDVrqSlMv0YXvM8DFuFIHTikiVietnamGeneral22.0M
6drX27cPhUkok IijPlEvfTvjDPXqpp7l EtPCp 22T8qm CrQiCNt77tAiL8POUVKPc ilhhsHlsuY4nGaI9SvXe0rnsaFjp3JMr0m1q I1YuyWu7p4IO7oM2o6ccNnLzXcIbGGHuoG1J5PwlHNhJhGcwd8fdNvVNVGaW3Y6cadpvVhIR dqayvBWCLF dda9GhqLs 03H3kEuCCC9fSk2xisG1L0AfkIQXAtoJb8yVvafPSAeuXSHgSaGAzWpwWXit2af0kk5BlibliIndonesiaGeneral15.8M
7JKwrQmxlW53m xJlqhGUhCYx2Q2sSb6zG4NuE83R 76h2krvUuMeAjJ iW SP7AUdih3Dp8JHLiRIhXrqiAQEozZza08n8CK64g7II6E9PDRS qVky4kjS6SwAMV4WHotkM36LVTSendoVietnamGeneral11.4M
8x2klqDfFWTg31HvIcqUF 4cy869InrI5ZxZCOVwmGW0V6RCBRbvmIctviXhdlBAdtEZ3vVfhsZaloraSoutheast AsiaFashion7.7M
9MCfHBrNN5yjYsB46akHuYw3 hL9gD7Tve81VU83ndwqeTMrkcSXLsd f0BuA2I6EVLpSxXeynj GK9gET9ptyof37keea3eUm0Gt 2Wnk lzojYVkExYHRaFz 4CzW7s6tCO6 IAQoo10Southeast AsiaGeneral7.0M

Online Marketplaces Vs e-Commerce: Which is better?

If you have been in the playing field for some time and have sought out sound options, you’ve probably heard pros and cons for both choices.

While each type of platform offers perks, there are some key benefits of having your own e-commerce vs marketplace tools that business owners should be aware of before making a decision.

Online marketplaces have indeed made it much easier for sellers to reach new customers, but conducting business on them carries significant risks and costs. Sellers should limit their dependence by investing in their own channels, such as branded websites and apps, to reach and serve customers directly.

With the Government’s generous 80% subsidy of the PSG grant, small business owners are in the driving seat to manage their own business, grow it, and white label it. We are more than equipped with the tools and knowledge today to play the key role in driving our business’ continued success.